the moment one steps on the pathway, one hears the sound of people’s lives, which lies trampled by the crowd of conversations. one notices a congested settlement on one flank of the road that seeks to touch the sky. and on the other flank, straight ahead, stands the goddess in the open courtyard of the festival, with the resolve of popular divinity, to embolden the clay-like common folk. from manipur to mumbai, magadha to marine drive, from nation to forest, as far as one can see, it is only the common people who are pushed to a corner in the public assemblies. that’s why we don’t raise our hands and seek blessings from any god whatsoever. we want god to hold the hands of people. may the breath, the breathing, of civilization echo in the festival! may it be a festival of the people, of their mingling. a festival that doesn’t dazzle your eyes, but rather is one where you collide with yourself. which becomes public Art in tandem with various material and non-material things of civilization – through the admixture of joy, sadness, sweat, living, hope, faith, doubt, conflict, division, and oneness. so we welcome you all to this social arena, fabricated not out of intellectual ingenuity, but through continuous polishing of the steel of experience.
bhabatosh sutar
15,000 sq. ft.
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