
gariahat hindusthan club

  • the real feel of freedom
  • our country attained liberty on 15 august 1947. shaking off the shackles of the imperial regime, an independent india arose from its colonial past. still aching from the wound of the partition, she bravely unfurled her tricolour sanctified with the sacrifice of her patriotic martyrs. since then we have reached important milestones of success, from farm lands to battlefields, from nuclear science to vast outer space. but does that make us truly free? are we liberated from hatred in all its ugly forms? on the 75th anniversary of india’s independence, our theme is thus the uprooting of all discrimination from our minds to establish the altar of our motherland in our hearts. this is a battle we must wage within ourselves, to free us of all malice and malignance. only then can we declare ourselves to be free in the real sense.
  • anirban das

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