
beliaghata 33 no. palli bashi brinda

  • the elegant silence
  • the pandemic has been a life-changing episode for most of us. families have lost loved ones, struggled to survive, battled daily uncertainties. exploited further by businesses which sought to capitalise on the compulsions of the common man, most of us have confronted unprecedented challenges, be it social, economic, medical or educational. but this devastation has also been a lesson in empathy and humanity. however, our mutual communication runs into language barriers, and these gaps must be bridged through gestures, expressions – and silences.

    this year our theme is inclusive in its eloquent silence. it engages all five senses, and invites our differently-abled friends to appreciate our installation their way. our durga puja has now extended itself from the bengali community to reach the entire world. we invite global citizens to unite in the fight for a better tomorrow as we return with a renewed zest for life.

    my mother shelters me, for i am her child.

  • shib sankar das

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